The design for the Nature PlayScape at Arlitt had several objectives of which two included; providing children with experiences that promote a love and respect for nature, and, providing a setting for Arlitt’s research on early childhood learning.

      The design process required meeting both the high design standards of the University and the goals and objectives of Arlitt’s staff and administration. The design process, a collaborative one, also included the expertise of Architect Robin Moore of NLI and the University’s Architect and Landscape Architect. The University Graphic department created the illustrative drawing used for presentation and signage in the landscape. Architectural features were designed by Luke Robinson of LGR Architecture. The University, was committed and involved in the process of implementation working with the design team to verify that all drawings were implemented with their intent.

     Curvilinear paths, vegetated edges, a treehouse amidst a grove of juvenile maples, a tunnel, a stream bed, a butterfly garden with herbs, an arbor, an area for loose parts, and platforms for art work and drama all find a place in this promotion of learning and playing in nature.  The enthusiastic Arlitt teachers and staff continue to inform community about Nature PlayScapes through their work with children and families and through their research.  They are keenly involved with the management of the PlayScape as it grows.